
Patron Award - Northern National Arts Competition

I won a Patron Award at the Northern National Arts Competition out in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. I count that as a significant win, as I got to see the show as it was being hung, and there was some exceptional work there.
Self Portrait #96, the piece entered.


ECRAC Show August 2017

The East Central Regional Arts Council is having a show of all the artists who won grants in 2017, including me! The show kicked off last weekend, during Braham Pie Day, and continues until September 29th.

If you find yourself in Braham, Minnesota, swing in for a peek.


2017 IMAGE Show

Won an Excellence award at the 2017 IMAGE show! It's been a great show to participate in, and I'll miss it when I move.

Pics of all the winning art. Some awesome stuff this year; well worth looking through.

Article here.