
The Dark Knight Rises

You know, TDKR, it's okay to have more women in a movie than just the Love Interest.  No, the Romantic Foil does not count.  I expect these kinds of tropes out of Captian America and those other high budget, low substance movies, but not you.

I still love you.


  1. Catwoman is hardcore feminist throughout the comics. So is Talia. Aside from that, there are no other women in the Batman world aside from victims. It would have been annoying to try and take it beyond that.

    1. Whaaaaaat? Batman has loads of supercool ladies. Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, the Huntress, Stephanie Brown, Frank Miller's Robin, Poison Ivy,The Birds of Prey, Harley Quinn,- and those are just off the top of my head. I agree that they shouldn't try to shoehorn somebody in, but I had such high expectations for the franchise. Cause c'mon, they had such good pickins.
